Friday, March 30, 2018

"Parents and Children; Reproof and Correction" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

You should respond when I correct you.
Look, I’ll pour out my spirit on you.
I’ll reveal my words to you.
(Proverbs 1:23 CEB)

Don’t reject the instruction of the Lord, my son;
don’t despise his correction.
The Lord loves those he corrects,
just like a father who treats his son with favor.
(Proverbs 3:11-12 CEB)

Hear, children, fatherly instruction;
pay attention to gain understanding.
I’ll teach you well.
Don’t abandon my instruction.
Listen, my son, and take in my speech,
then the years of your life will be many.
(Proverbs 4:1-2,10 CEB)

A wise child makes a father glad,
but a foolish child brings sorrow to his mother.
Wisdom is found on the lips of those who have understanding,
but there is a rod for the back of those with no sense.
Those who heed instruction are on the way to life,
but those who ignore correction lose their way.
(Proverbs 10:1,13,17 CEB)

Those who love discipline love knowledge,
and those who hate correction are stupid.
(Proverbs 12:1 CEB)

A wise son listens to the discipline of his father,
but a mocker doesn’t listen to correction.
Poverty and shame come to those who don’t care about instruction;
honor belongs to those who heed correction.
Good people leave their grandchildren an inheritance,
but the wealth of sinners is stored up for the righteous.
Those who withhold the rod hate their children,
but the one who loves them applies discipline.
(Proverbs 13:1,18,22,24 CEB)

A fool doesn’t like a father’s instruction,
but those who heed correction are mature.
Discipline is severe for those who abandon the way;
those who hate correction will die.
Mockers don’t like those who correct them.
They won’t go to the wise.
A wise child brings joy to a father,
but fools despise their mothers.
The ear that listens to life-giving correction
dwells among the wise.
Those who refuse discipline despise themselves,
but those who listen to correction gain understanding.
(Proverbs 15:5,10,12,20,31-32 CEB)

An insightful servant rules over a disgraceful son
and will divide an inheritance with the brothers.
A rebuke goes deeper to an understanding person
than a hundred lashes to a fool.
A foolish son is irritating to his father
and bitter to her who gave birth to him.
(Proverbs 17:2,10,25 CEB)

A foolish son is a disaster to his father;
a contentious wife is like constant dripping.
Discipline your children while there is hope,
but don’t plan to kill them.
Strike someone who scoffs, and a naive person will become clever;
correct someone with understanding, and they will gain knowledge.
Those who assault their father and drive out their mother
are disgraceful children, worthy of reproach.
If, my child, you stop listening to discipline,
you will wander away from words of knowledge.
(Proverbs 19:13,18,25-27 CEB)

Even young people are known by their actions,
whether their conduct is pure and upright.
Those who curse their father or mother—
their lamp will be snuffed out when it becomes dark.
(Proverbs 20:11,20 CEB)

Train children in the way they should go;
when they grow old, they won’t depart from it.
Folly is bound up in a child’s heart;
the rod of discipline removes it.
(Proverbs 22:6,15 CEB)

Don’t withhold instruction from children;
if you strike them with a rod, they won’t die.
Strike them with a rod,
and you will save their lives from the grave.
My child, if your heart is wise,
then my heart too will be happy.
My inner being will rejoice
when your lips speak with integrity.
Listen to your father, who gave you life;
don’t despise your elderly mother.
The father of the righteous will be very happy;
the one who gives life to the wise will rejoice.
(Proverbs 23:13-16,22,24 CEB)

Wise correction to an ear that listens
is like a gold earring or jewelry of fine gold.
(Proverbs 25:12 CEB)

A public correction is better than hidden love.
Trustworthy are the bruises of a friend;
excessive are the kisses of an enemy.
(Proverbs 27:5-6 CEB)

Intelligent children follow Instruction,
but those who befriend gluttons shame their parents.
Those who correct someone will, in the end, find more favor
than those with flattering tongues.
Those who steal from their father and mother,
and say, “It’s not a crime,”
are friends of vandals.
(Proverbs 28:7,23-24 CEB)

One who stays stubborn after many corrections
will be suddenly broken, beyond healing.
A man who loves wisdom makes his father rejoice,
but one who spends time with prostitutes destroys riches.
The rod and correction lead to wisdom,
but children out of control shame their mothers.
Instruct your children; they will give you peace of mind
and bring delight into your life.
(Proverbs 29:1,3,15,17 CEB)

There are those who curse their father
and don’t bless their mother.
An eye that mocks a father
and rejects obedience to a mother,
may the ravens of the river valley peck it out,
and the eagle’s young eat it.
(Proverbs 30:11,17 CEB)

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