Saturday, March 24, 2018

"Heart and Mind, pt.2" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

A fool has no delight in understanding,
But in expressing his own heart.
Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty,
And before honor is humility.
The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
(Proverbs 18:2,12,15)

People’s own folly corrupts their way,
but their hearts rage against the Lord.
Many plans are in a person’s mind,
but the Lord’s purpose will succeed.
(Proverbs 19:3,21 CEB)

Advice comes from the deep waters of the heart;
those with understanding can draw it out.
Who can say, “I’m innocent to the core;
I’m cleansed from my sin”?
The breath of a person is the lamp of the Lord,
searching all the inmost parts.
(Proverbs 20:5,9,27 CEB)

Everyone’s path is straight in their own eyes,
but the Lord weighs the heart.
Acting with righteousness and justice
is more valued by the Lord than sacrifice.
Prideful eyes, an arrogant heart, and
the lamp of the wicked are all sinful.
When a mocker is punished, the naive person gains wisdom;
when insight comes to the wise, knowledge increases.
Acting justly is a joy to the righteous,
but dreaded by those who do evil.
(Proverbs 21:2-4,11,15 CEB)

Turn your ear and hear the words of the wise;
focus your mind on my knowledge.
It will be pleasant if you keep the words in you,
if you have them ready on your lips.
(Proverbs 22:17-18 CEB)

Bring your mind to instruction,
your ear to knowledgeable sayings.
My child, if your heart is wise,
then my heart too will be happy.
My inner being will rejoice
when your lips speak with integrity.
Don’t let your heart envy sinners,
but fear the Lord constantly;
then you will have a future,
and your hope won’t be cut off.
Listen, my child, and be wise!
Keep your mind straight on the path.
My child, give your mind to me
and let your eyes keep to my path.
(Proverbs 23:12,15-19,26 CEB)

Don’t envy evil people,
and don’t long to be with them.
Their hearts are focused on violence,
and their lips speak of trouble.
When your enemies fall, don’t rejoice.
When they stumble, don’t let your heart be glad,
or the Lord will see it and be displeased,
and he will turn his anger from them.
(Proverbs 24:1-2,17-18 CEB)

Singing a song to a troubled heart
is like taking off a garment on a cold day
or putting vinegar on a wound.
If your enemies are starving, feed them some bread;
if they are thirsty, give them water to drink.
By doing this, you will heap burning coals on their heads,
and the Lord will reward you.
(Proverbs 25:20-22 CEB)

Oil and incense make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of friends comes from their advice.
Be wise, my child, and make my heart glad,
so I can answer those who insult me.
As water reflects the face,
so the heart reflects one person to another.
(Proverbs 27:9,11,19 CEB)

Happy are those who are continually fearful,
but those whose hearts are hard fall into trouble.
Greedy people stir up conflict,
but those who trust the Lord become prosperous.
Those who trust in their own reasoning are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom will be kept safe.
(Proverbs 28:14,25-26 CEB)

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