Friday, February 23, 2018

"The Righteous vs The Evil, pt.3" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

Better to be poor and walk in innocence
than to have dishonest lips and be a fool.
A false witness won’t go unpunished,
and a liar won’t escape.
False witnesses won’t go unpunished,
and liars will perish.
(Proverbs 19:1,5,9 CEB)

The righteous live with integrity;
happy are their children who come after them.
(Proverbs 20:7 CEB)

Wicked people desire evil;
their neighbors receive no mercy from them.
The righteous one observes the house of the wicked,
turning the wicked toward trouble.
Acting justly is a joy to the righteous,
but dreaded by those who do evil.
People who wander from the path of insight
will rest in the company of the dead.
The wicked are a ransom for the righteous;
the treacherous will be punished in the place of the virtuous.
Those who pursue righteousness and kindness
will find life, righteousness, and honor.
The Lord detests the sacrifices of the wicked,
especially when brought with devious motives.
The wicked person appears brash,
but the virtuous think about the path ahead.
(Proverbs 21:10,12,15-16,18,21,27,29 CEB)

Those who sow injustice will harvest evil;
the rod of their fury will come to an end.
(Proverbs 22:8 CEB)

Don’t let your heart envy sinners,
but fear the Lord constantly;
then you will have a future,
and your hope won’t be cut off.
(Proverbs 23:17-18 CEB)

Those who plot evil
will be called master schemers.
The scheming of fools is sin;
people detest mockers.
Wicked one, don’t wait secretly at the home of the righteous.
Don’t destroy their dwelling.
The righteous may fall seven times but still get up,
but the wicked will stumble into trouble.
When your enemies fall, don’t rejoice.
When they stumble, don’t let your heart be glad,
or the Lord will see it and be displeased,
and he will turn his anger from them.
Don’t get fighting mad at evil people;
don’t be envious of the wicked.
Indeed, there is no future for the evil;
the lamp of the wicked will be put out.
(Proverbs 24:8-9,15-20 CEB)

If your enemies are starving, feed them some bread;
if they are thirsty, give them water to drink.
By doing this, you will heap burning coals on their heads,
and the Lord will reward you.
(Proverbs 25:21-22 CEB)

They may cover their hatred with trickery,
but their evil will be revealed in public.
Those who dig a pit will fall in it;
those who roll a stone will have it turn back on them.
(Proverbs 26:26-27 CEB)

Prudent people see evil and hide;
the simpleminded go right to it and get punished.
(Proverbs 27:12 CEB)

The wicked run away even though no one pursues them,
but the righteous are as confident as a lion.
Those who abandon Instruction praise the wicked,
but those who follow Instruction battle them.
Evil people don’t understand justice,
but those who seek the Lord understand everything.
Better to be poor and walk in innocence
than to be on crooked paths and wealthy.
Whoever misleads those who do right onto an evil path
will fall into their own pit,
but the blameless will inherit good things.
Rich people think they are wise,
but an insightful poor person sees through them.
When the righteous rejoice, there is great respect,
but people hide when the wicked prosper.
Those who hide their sins won’t succeed,
but those who confess and give them up will receive mercy.
Happy are those who are continually fearful,
but those whose hearts are hard fall into trouble.
When the wicked rise up, people hide,
but when they are destroyed, the righteous multiply.
(Proverbs 28:1,4-6, 10-14,28 CEB)

The wicked are snared by their own sin;
the righteous sing and rejoice.
The righteous know the rights of the poor,
but the wicked don’t understand.
When the wicked become numerous, so do crimes;
the righteous will see their downfall.
The unjust person is disgusting to the righteous;
the straight path is disgusting to the wicked.
(Proverbs 29:6-7,16,27 CEB)

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