Thursday, October 25, 2018


After Reconstruction and the passing of the 14th & 15th Amendments, from 1870-1887, nearly 200 blacks were elected to the US Congress, most from SC and FL. Congress was finally starting to represent "a more perfect union" where "all men are created equal"

However, after all Confederate States that had succeeded were readmitted into the Union by 1870 and all Confederate Statesmen were granted voting rights, by 1901 the last lone black representative left Congress and there were no more until 1928.

There are those who want to suppress certain people's right to vote because they know that's the only true power the citizens of a country have, but we ALL have the right to vote and must exercise it! When we don't use it, we go from Reconstruction to "Jim Crow" and "separate but equal", and eventually fighting for "Civil Rights" again.

We already have our civil rights, lets not give them away - Proverbs 29:2 "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan."

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Morality "Trumps" the Law!

So they [the rulers, elders, and scribes, and priests (vs. 5-6)] called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. ... (Acts 4:18-19) But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29) 

Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's moral! Anything that goes against the Word of God is not to be obeyed. Those who are in authority or have the charge to carry out unjust commands must resolve, as Christ Jesus commanded His disciples, on how to decide whom and what we should obey:

Jesus began to say to His disciples first of all, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees [the religious leaders], which is hypocrisy. 2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!" (Luke 12:1-5) We are to fear God more than man, because the consequences of disobeying his moral laws or more grave than any consequence man can implement.

If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (James 1:26-27) If this is pure and undefiled religion, why would anyone think it's ok to separate children from their parents, especially mothers? God, please save America and its leaders!

Jesus said, "...For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always." (Mark 14:7) Love helps people, who are seeking better for themselves and their families, become what God created them to be - it's better for them and for the world! So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ” (Luke 10:27)


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Want to Meet the "Perfect" Person? Start Living Your Best Life!

Recently there has been a lot of media attention towards Prince Harry of Britain and his new wife, Meghan Markle of the US. Of all the things heard and written, a specific soundbite from an interview with a reporter struck me as worthy of sharing as part of a Bible study. Paraphrasing, the interviewee said, "Meghan was already well educated, successful at her career, well traveled and connected. Remember, a mutual friend introduced her to the Prince."

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle, before they met in July 2016

I enjoy listening to Paul Sheppard, and in one of his message series, he said the following regarding singles wanting to meet the "perfect" person and get married: "Many of you are praying and asking God to send you the perfect person, but if He did, why would that person want you?" His point being, we need to become our best most perfect selves in order to be in a position to cross paths with others who best compliment our lives.

For those of us who are single (like Prince Harry was) or single again (like Meghan Markle was), what do we need to do to become our perfect selves? Well, being this is a Bible study blog, the first thing is to accept the perfection that Christ Jesus offers us. Christ taught, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48 KJV) And He also prayed on our behalf, "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one;..." (John 17:23 KJV)

Step 1: accept the free gift of salvation offered through faith in Christ Jesus (Romans 5)

Step 2: once saved, allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead, guide and convict which areas of our lives need to be changed, improved and explored based on the Word of God (John 16)

  • Spiritual growth by studying the Word of God daily and having private prayer time (Psalm 1)
  • Become an active member of a local church that rightly teaches the entire Word of God (Hebrews 10)
  • Become more charitable towards others and faithful in giving tithes and offerings to God (2 Corinthians  9)
  • Reduce and/or payoff debts, only have debts on things (house, transportation to get to work and church) or for things (education) that should or will be worth more in the future (Romans 13)
  • Physical wellbeing, health and nutrition because this body is the only one we'll have (1 Corinthians  6)
  • Education and expanding our minds, not just about God but everything in His creation (Proverbs & Ecclesiastes)
  • Professional growth and development (Colossians 3)
  • Explore, travel, see and try new things that don't compromise our faith and beliefs (Joshua 1)
Step 3: don't stress about if or when we will meet the right person,  just start living our best lives. Whether God allows us to meet the perfect "prince" or "princess" or not, remember we already have a perfect relationship with the King of kings and Lord or lords, Christ Jesus!
  • Don't compromise on God's standards, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." (Genesis 2:24 KJV)
  • Don't settle for less than what God wants us to have, based on what He's done to demonstrate His love for us. "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones."  (Ephesians 5:29-30 KJV"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." (1 Corinthians 15:33 KJV)
Paul Sheppard also shared from 2 Kings 4:8-9, "And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread. And she said unto her husband,..." (KJV)

Without going into all the details of the message, a major point he made is when the scriptures introduce a woman or wife first and as being a great woman, the husband married well, someone who already had her stuff together, so he could join his life with hers perfectly. 

If you haven't started living your best life yet, start right now by working on improving your life choices in the areas above. If you've already started living your best life, then continue by striving to perfect it through your faith and relationship with Christ Jesus. 

My motto is "I don't go with the flow, I flow with God!" Wherever He leads, I follow, and whatever or whomever He allows to cross my path or come beside me as I contine following Him is up to Him, but regardless, the Word instructs "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5 KJV)

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Don't Worry, SLEEP!

When you're up late at night talking about "I can't make it God!", GO TO SLEEP! "... because God gives sleep to those He loves." (Psalm 127:2)

Jesus taught to pray "... Give us THIS DAY our daily bread. ..." (Matthew 6:6-13) "Because His compassions fail not. They are NEW EVERY MORNING;..." (Lamentations 3:22-23) #JustKeepLiving

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life,... Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things." (Matthew 6:25-34)

Saturday, March 31, 2018

"Honor, Hope and Mercy" (Resurrection Sunday)

Don’t let loyalty and faithfulness leave you.
Bind them on your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will find favor and approval
in the eyes of God and humanity.
Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the first of all your crops.
Then your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will burst with wine.
Happy are those who find wisdom
and those who gain understanding.
In her right hand is a long life;
in her left are wealth and honor.
(Proverbs 3:3-4,9-10,13,16 CEB)

The beginning of wisdom:
Get wisdom!
Get understanding before anything else.
Highly esteem her, and she will exalt you.
She will honor you if you embrace her.
She will place a graceful wreath on your head;
she will give you a glorious crown.”
(Proverbs 4:7-9 CEB)

I, Wisdom, dwell with prudence;
I have found knowledge and discretion.
Riches and honor are with me,
as well as enduring wealth and righteousness.
(Proverbs 8:12,18 CEB)

The expectations of the righteous result in joy,
but the hopes of the wicked will perish.
(Proverbs 10:28 CEB)

When the wicked die, their hope perishes.
Yes, any hope based on money perishes.
The righteous are saved from distress,
and the wicked take their place.
A gracious woman gains honor;
violent men gain only wealth.
Kind persons benefit themselves,
but cruel people harm themselves.
The desires of the righteous end up well,
but the expectations of the wicked bring wrath.
(Proverbs 11:7-8,16-17,23 CEB)

Hope delayed makes the heart sick;
longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
(Proverbs 13:12 CEB)

Those who exploit the powerless anger their maker,
while those who are kind to the poor honor God.
The wicked are thrown down by their own evil,
but the righteous find refuge even in death.
(Proverbs 14:31-32 CEB)

Love and faithfulness reconcile guilt;
the fear of the Lord turns away evil.
Gray hair is a crown of glory;
it is found on the path of righteousness.
(Proverbs 16:6,31 CEB)

Grandchildren are the crown of the elderly,
and the glory of children is their parents.
(Proverbs 17:6 CEB)

Pride comes before a disaster,
but humility comes before respect.
(Proverbs 18:12 CEB)

Insightful people restrain their anger;
their glory is to ignore an offense.
(Proverbs 19:11 CEB)

Strength is the glory of young men;
gray hair is the splendor of old age.
(Proverbs 20:29 CEB)

The reward of humility and the fear of the Lord
is wealth, honor, and life.
(Proverbs 22:4 CEB)

Don’t say, “I’ll do to them what they did to me.
I’ll pay them back for their actions.”
(Proverbs 24:29 CEB)

Let another person praise you, and not your own mouth;
a stranger, and not your own lips.
(Proverbs 27:2 CEB)

Those who hide their sins won’t succeed,
but those who confess and give them up will receive mercy.
(Proverbs 28:13 CEB)

Pride lays people low,
but those of humble spirit gain honor.
(Proverbs 29:23 CEB)

"...or The Virtuous Woman" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

A competent wife, how does one find her?
Her value is far above pearls.
Her husband entrusts his heart to her,
and with her he will have all he needs.
She brings him good and not trouble
all the days of her life.
She seeks out wool and flax;
she works joyfully with her hands.
She is like a fleet of merchant ships,
bringing food from a distance.
She gets up while it is still night,
providing food for her household,
even some for her female servants.
She surveys a field and acquires it;
from her own resources, she plants a vineyard.
She works energetically;
her arms are powerful.
She realizes that her trading is successful;
she doesn’t put out her lamp at night.
She puts her hands to the spindle;
her palms grasp the whorl.
She reaches out to the needy;
she stretches out her hands to the poor.
She doesn’t fear for her household when it snows,
because they are all dressed in warm clothes.
She makes bedspreads for herself;
fine linen and purple are her clothing.
Her husband is known in the city gates
when he sits with the elders of the land.
She makes garments and sells them;
she supplies sashes to traders.
Strength and honor are her clothing;
she is confident about the future.
Her mouth is full of wisdom;
kindly teaching is on her tongue.
She is vigilant over the activities of her household;
she doesn’t eat the food of laziness.
Her children bless her;
her husband praises her:
“Many women act competently,
but you surpass them all!”
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Let her share in the results of her work;
let her deeds praise her in the city gates.
(Proverbs 31:10-31 CEB)

"Adultery & Seduction,..." (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

My son, don’t let sinners entice you.
(Proverbs 1:10 CEB)

Wisdom will enter your mind,
and knowledge will fill you with delight.
Discretion will guard you;
understanding will protect you.
Wisdom will rescue you from the evil path,
from people who twist their words.
Wisdom will rescue you from the mysterious woman,
from the foreign woman with her slick words.
She leaves behind the partner of her youth;
she even forgets her covenant with God.
(Proverbs 2:10-12,16-17 CEB)

The lips of a mysterious woman drip honey,
and her tongue is smoother than oil,
but in the end she is bitter as gall,
sharp as a double-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death;
her steps lead to the grave.
She doesn’t stay on the way of life.
Her paths wander, but she doesn’t know it.
(Proverbs 5:3-6 CEB)

The commandment is a lamp and instruction a light;
corrective teaching is the path of life.
They guard you from the evil woman,
from the flattering tongue of the foreign woman.
Don’t desire her beauty in secret;
don’t let her take you in with her eyelashes,
for a prostitute costs a loaf of bread,
but a married woman hunts for a man’s very life.
Can a man scoop fire into his lap
and his clothes not get burned?
If a man walks on hot coals,
don’t his feet get burned?
So is the man who approaches his neighbor’s wife;
anyone who touches her will be punished.
He who commits adultery is senseless.
Doing so, he destroys himself.
(Proverbs 6:23-29,32 CEB)

Say to wisdom, “You are my sister”;
call understanding “friend,”
so she might guard you against the mysterious woman,
from the foreign woman who flatters you.
When from the window of my house,
from behind the screen, I gazed down,
I looked among the naive young men
and noticed among the youth, one who had no sense.
She seduces him with all her talk.
She entices him with her flattery.
(Proverbs 7:4-7,21 CEB)

“Whoever is naive, come in here,”
she says to those who lack sense.
“Stolen water is sweet;
food eaten in secret is pleasant.”
But they don’t know that the dead are there;
her guests are in the depths of the grave.
(Proverbs 9:16-18 CEB)

The righteous offer guidance to their neighbors,
but the path of the wicked makes them wander.
(Proverbs 12:26 CEB)

Violent people entice their neighbors
and walk them down a path that isn’t good.
Those who wink their eye plot destruction;
those who purse their lips plan evil.
(Proverbs 16:29-30 CEB)

The mouth of a mysterious woman is a deep pit;
those under the Lord’s wrath will fall in it.
(Proverbs 22:14 CEB)

A prostitute is a deep pit,
and a foreign woman is a narrow well.
(Proverbs 23:27 CEB)

A man who loves wisdom makes his father rejoice,
but one who spends time with prostitutes destroys riches.
(Proverbs 29:3 CEB)

The words of King Lemuel of Massa, which his mother taught him:
No, my son!
No, son of my womb!
No, son of my solemn promises!
Don’t give your strength to women,
your ways to those who wipe out kings.
(Proverbs 31:1-3 CEB)

Friday, March 30, 2018

"Parents and Children; Reproof and Correction" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

You should respond when I correct you.
Look, I’ll pour out my spirit on you.
I’ll reveal my words to you.
(Proverbs 1:23 CEB)

Don’t reject the instruction of the Lord, my son;
don’t despise his correction.
The Lord loves those he corrects,
just like a father who treats his son with favor.
(Proverbs 3:11-12 CEB)

Hear, children, fatherly instruction;
pay attention to gain understanding.
I’ll teach you well.
Don’t abandon my instruction.
Listen, my son, and take in my speech,
then the years of your life will be many.
(Proverbs 4:1-2,10 CEB)

A wise child makes a father glad,
but a foolish child brings sorrow to his mother.
Wisdom is found on the lips of those who have understanding,
but there is a rod for the back of those with no sense.
Those who heed instruction are on the way to life,
but those who ignore correction lose their way.
(Proverbs 10:1,13,17 CEB)

Those who love discipline love knowledge,
and those who hate correction are stupid.
(Proverbs 12:1 CEB)

A wise son listens to the discipline of his father,
but a mocker doesn’t listen to correction.
Poverty and shame come to those who don’t care about instruction;
honor belongs to those who heed correction.
Good people leave their grandchildren an inheritance,
but the wealth of sinners is stored up for the righteous.
Those who withhold the rod hate their children,
but the one who loves them applies discipline.
(Proverbs 13:1,18,22,24 CEB)

A fool doesn’t like a father’s instruction,
but those who heed correction are mature.
Discipline is severe for those who abandon the way;
those who hate correction will die.
Mockers don’t like those who correct them.
They won’t go to the wise.
A wise child brings joy to a father,
but fools despise their mothers.
The ear that listens to life-giving correction
dwells among the wise.
Those who refuse discipline despise themselves,
but those who listen to correction gain understanding.
(Proverbs 15:5,10,12,20,31-32 CEB)

An insightful servant rules over a disgraceful son
and will divide an inheritance with the brothers.
A rebuke goes deeper to an understanding person
than a hundred lashes to a fool.
A foolish son is irritating to his father
and bitter to her who gave birth to him.
(Proverbs 17:2,10,25 CEB)

A foolish son is a disaster to his father;
a contentious wife is like constant dripping.
Discipline your children while there is hope,
but don’t plan to kill them.
Strike someone who scoffs, and a naive person will become clever;
correct someone with understanding, and they will gain knowledge.
Those who assault their father and drive out their mother
are disgraceful children, worthy of reproach.
If, my child, you stop listening to discipline,
you will wander away from words of knowledge.
(Proverbs 19:13,18,25-27 CEB)

Even young people are known by their actions,
whether their conduct is pure and upright.
Those who curse their father or mother—
their lamp will be snuffed out when it becomes dark.
(Proverbs 20:11,20 CEB)

Train children in the way they should go;
when they grow old, they won’t depart from it.
Folly is bound up in a child’s heart;
the rod of discipline removes it.
(Proverbs 22:6,15 CEB)

Don’t withhold instruction from children;
if you strike them with a rod, they won’t die.
Strike them with a rod,
and you will save their lives from the grave.
My child, if your heart is wise,
then my heart too will be happy.
My inner being will rejoice
when your lips speak with integrity.
Listen to your father, who gave you life;
don’t despise your elderly mother.
The father of the righteous will be very happy;
the one who gives life to the wise will rejoice.
(Proverbs 23:13-16,22,24 CEB)

Wise correction to an ear that listens
is like a gold earring or jewelry of fine gold.
(Proverbs 25:12 CEB)

A public correction is better than hidden love.
Trustworthy are the bruises of a friend;
excessive are the kisses of an enemy.
(Proverbs 27:5-6 CEB)

Intelligent children follow Instruction,
but those who befriend gluttons shame their parents.
Those who correct someone will, in the end, find more favor
than those with flattering tongues.
Those who steal from their father and mother,
and say, “It’s not a crime,”
are friends of vandals.
(Proverbs 28:7,23-24 CEB)

One who stays stubborn after many corrections
will be suddenly broken, beyond healing.
A man who loves wisdom makes his father rejoice,
but one who spends time with prostitutes destroys riches.
The rod and correction lead to wisdom,
but children out of control shame their mothers.
Instruct your children; they will give you peace of mind
and bring delight into your life.
(Proverbs 29:1,3,15,17 CEB)

There are those who curse their father
and don’t bless their mother.
An eye that mocks a father
and rejects obedience to a mother,
may the ravens of the river valley peck it out,
and the eagle’s young eat it.
(Proverbs 30:11,17 CEB)

Thursday, March 29, 2018

"Gluttony and Drunkenness; Seek Good Counsel" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

The proverbs of Solomon, King David’s son, from Israel:
The wise hear them and grow in wisdom;
those with understanding gain guidance.
You ignored all my advice,
and you didn’t want me to correct you.
They didn’t want my advice;
they rejected all my corrections.
(Proverbs 1:1,5,30 CEB)

I have advice and ability,
as well as understanding and strength.
(Proverbs 8:14 CEB)

The righteous are saved from distress,
and the wicked take their place.
Without guidance, a people will fall,
but there is victory with many counselors.
(Proverbs 11:8,14 CEB)

The plans of the righteous are just,
but the guidance of the wicked is deceptive.
Fools see their own way as right,
but the wise listen to advice.
Deceit is in the heart of those who plan evil,
but there is joy for those who advise peace.
(Proverbs 12:5,15,20 CEB)

Plans fail with no counsel,
but with many counselors they succeed.
(Proverbs 15:22 CEB)

Listen to advice and accept instruction,
so you might grow wise in the future.
(Proverbs 19:20 CEB)

Wine is a mocker; beer a carouser.
Those it leads astray won’t become wise.
Advice comes from the deep waters of the heart;
those with understanding can draw it out.
Plans are firmed up by advice;
wage wars with good guidance.
(Proverbs 20:1,5,18 CEB)

Those who love pleasure end up poor;
lovers of wine and oil won’t get rich.
No wisdom, understanding,
or advice can stand up against the Lord.
(Proverbs 21:17,30 CEB)

When you sit and eat with an important person,
remember who you are with.
Never eat too much, even if you are very hungry.
Don’t eat too much of his fine food. It might be a trick.
Don’t ruin your health trying to get rich.
If you are smart, you will give it up.
In the blink of an eye, money can disappear,
as if it grew wings and flew away like a bird.
Don’t eat with selfish people.
Control any desire you have for their finest foods.
They might tell you to eat and drink all you want,
but they don’t really mean it.
They are the kind of people who are only thinking about the cost.
And if you eat their food, you will get sick and be embarrassed.
So listen, my son, and be wise.
Always be careful to follow the right path.
Don’t make friends with people who
drink too much wine and eat too much food.
Those who eat and drink too much become poor.
They sleep too much and end up wearing rags.
Who gets into fights and arguments?
Who gets hurt for no reason and has red, bloodshot eyes?
People who stay out too late drinking wine,
staring into their strong drinks.
So be careful with wine.
It is pretty and red as it sparkles in the cup.
And it goes down so smoothly when you drink it.
But in the end, it will bite like a snake.
Wine will cause you to see strange things
and to say things that make no sense.
When you lie down, you will think you are on a rough sea
and feel like you are at the top of the mast.
You will say, “They hit me, but I never felt it.
They beat me, but I don’t remember it.
Now I can’t wake up. I need another drink.”
(Proverbs 23:1-8,19-21,29-35 ERV)

You should make war with guidance;
victory comes with many counselors.
If you show yourself weak on a day of distress,
your strength is too small.
(Proverbs 24:6,10 CEB)

Like a thorny bush in the hand of a drunk,
so is a proverb in the mouth of fools.
(Proverbs 26:9 CEB)

Oil and incense make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of friends comes from their advice.
(Proverbs 27:9 CEB)

Intelligent children follow Instruction,
but those who befriend gluttons shame their parents.
(Proverbs 28:7 CEB)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"How Rulers, Kings & Authority Should Be" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

“I am Wisdom.
I live with Good Judgment.
I am at home with Knowledge and Planning.
With my help kings rule,
and governors make good laws.
(Proverbs 8:12,15 ERV)

Kings of large nations have great honor.
Rulers without a country have nothing.
Kings are pleased with intelligent officials,
but they will punish shameful ones.
(Proverbs 14:28,35 ERV)

When a king speaks, his words are law.
So when he makes a decision, it is never a mistake.
Kings hate to see anyone doing wrong,
because kingdoms grow strong only when everyone is honest and fair.
Kings want to hear the truth.
They like those who are honest.
When a king gets angry, he can put someone to death.
So it is wise to keep the king happy.
When the king is happy, life is better for everyone.
When he is pleased, it is like a refreshing spring rain.
(Proverbs 16:10,12-15 ERV)

The shouts of an angry king are like a roaring lion,
but his kind words are like a gentle rain falling softly on the grass.
(Proverbs 19:12 ERV)

An angry king is like a roaring lion.
If you make him angry, you could lose your life.
When the king sits and judges people,
he must look carefully to separate the evil from the good.
Like a farmer who separates wheat from the chaff,
a wise king will decide who is wrong and crush them.
A king who is loyal and true will keep his power.
Loyalty will keep his kingdom strong.
(Proverbs 20:2,8,26,28 ERV)

To the Lord, a king’s mind is like a ditch used to water the fields.
He can lead the king wherever he wants him to go.
(Proverbs 21:1 ERV)

Love a pure heart and kind words,
and the king will be your friend.
Skilled workers will always serve kings.
They will never have to work for less important people.
(Proverbs 22:11,29 ERV)

Son, respect the Lord and the king,
and don’t join with those who are against them,
because people like that can quickly be destroyed.
You have no idea how much trouble God and the king
can make for their enemies.
(Proverbs 24:21-22 ERV)

We honor God for the things he keeps secret.
But we honor kings for the things they can discover.
We cannot discover how high the sky is above us
or how deep the earth is below.
The same is true with the minds of kings.
We cannot understand them.
Remove the worthless things from silver to make it pure,
and a worker can make something beautiful.
Take the evil advisors away from a king,
and goodness will make his kingdom strong.
Don’t brag about yourself before the king
and pretend you are someone important.
It is much better for the king to invite you to take a more important position
than to embarrass you in front of his officials.
(Proverbs 25:2-6 ERV)

A foolish ruler hurts the people under him,
but a ruler who hates wrong will rule for a long time.
(Proverbs 28:16 ERV)

When the rulers are good, the people are happy.
When the rulers are evil, the people complain.
A nation will be strong when it has a fair and just king.
A nation will be weak when it has a king who is selfish and demands gifts.
If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials will be evil.
If a king judges the poor fairly, he will rule for a long time.
Many people want the friendship of a ruler,
but the Lord is the only one who judges people fairly.
(Proverbs 29:2,4,12,14,26 ERV)

These are the wise sayings that King Lemuel’s mother taught him:
I prayed for a son, and you are the son I gave birth to.
Don’t waste your strength on women.
Women destroy kings, so don’t waste yourself on them.
Lemuel, it is not wise for kings to drink wine.
It is not wise for rulers to want beer.
They may drink too much and forget what the law says.
Then they might take away the rights of the poor.
(Proverbs 31:1-5 ERV)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Justice and Judgement" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

The Lord hates false scales,
but he loves accurate weights.
(Proverbs 11:1 ERV)

The poor might have good land that produces plenty of food,
but bad decisions can take it away.
(Proverbs 13:23 ERV)

The Lord wants all scales and balances to be right;
he wants all business agreements to be fair.
People might throw lots to make a decision,
but the answer always comes from the Lord.
(Proverbs 16:11,33 ERV)

A wicked judge will accept a bribe,
and that keeps justice from being done.
It is wrong to punish an innocent person
or attack leaders for doing what is right.
(Proverbs 17:23,26 ERV)

You must be fair in judging others.
it is wrong to favor the guilty and rob the innocent of justice.
Let people finish speaking before you try to answer them.
That way you will not embarrass yourself and look foolish.
The first person to speak always seems right
until someone comes and asks the right questions.
(Proverbs 18:5,13,17 ERV)

Using a criminal as a witness makes a joke of justice.
People like that only want to do wrong.
People who show no respect for anything must be brought to justice.
You must punish such fools.
(Proverbs 19:28-29 ERV)

When people live good, honest lives,
their children are blessed.
The Lord hates for people to use the wrong weights
and measures to cheat others.
(Proverbs 20:7,10 ERV)

Do what is right and fair.
The Lord loves that more than sacrifices.
The bad things that evil people do will destroy them,
because they refuse to do what is right.
Those who refuse to help the poor
will not receive help when they need it themselves.
A decision that is fair makes good people happy,
but it makes those who are evil very afraid.
(Proverbs 21:3,7,13,15 ERV)

Never move an old property line
that was marked long ago by your ancestors.
(Proverbs 22:28 ERV)

Never move an old property line,
and don’t take land that belongs to orphans.
The Lord will be against you.
He is powerful and protects orphans.
(Proverbs 23:10 ERV)

These are also words from the wise: A judge must be fair.
He must not support some people simply because he knows them.
The people will turn against a judge who lets the guilty go free.
Even the people of other nations will curse him.
But if a judge punishes the guilty, then people will be happy with him,
and he will be a blessing to them.
(Proverbs 24:23-25)

We honor God for the things he keeps secret.
But we honor kings for the things they can discover.
(Proverbs 25:2- ERV)

It is wrong for a judge to support someone simply because he knows them.
But some judges will change their decisions for the price of a loaf of bread.
(Proverbs 28:21 ERV)

If a king judges the poor fairly,
he will rule for a long time.
Many people want the friendship of a ruler,
but the Lord is the only one who judges people fairly.
(Proverbs 29:14,26 ERV)

Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves.
Help people who are in trouble.
Stand up for what you know is right, and judge all people fairly.
Protect the rights of the poor and those who need help.
(Proverbs 31:8-9 ERV)

Monday, March 26, 2018

"Associates, Friends & Neighbors" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go and come back;
I’ll give it to you tomorrow,” when you have it.
Don’t plan to harm your neighbor
who trusts and lives near you.
(Proverbs 3:28-29 CEB)

Walk with wise people and become wise;
befriend fools and get in trouble.
(Proverbs 13:20 CEB)

Even their neighbors hate the poor,
but many love the wealthy.
Those who despise their neighbors are sinners,
but happy are those who are kind to the needy.
(Proverbs 14:20-21 CEB)

When people draw favor from the Lord,
even their enemies are at peace with them.
Destructive people produce conflict;
gossips alienate close friends.
(Proverbs 16:7,28 CEB)

One who seeks love conceals an offense,
but one who repeats it divides friends.
Friends love all the time,
and kinsfolk are born for times of trouble.
One with no sense shakes hands on a deal,
securing a loan for a friend.
(Proverbs 17:9,17-18 CEB)

A gift opens the way
for access to important people.
An offended ally is more formidable than a city;
such quarreling is like the bars of a castle.
There are persons for companionship,
but then there are friends who are more loyal than family.
(Proverbs 18:16,19,24 CEB)

Riches increase one’s friends,
but the poor lose their friends.
All the relatives of the poor hate them;
even more, their friends stay far from them.
When they pursue them with words, they aren’t there.
(Proverbs 19:4,7 CEB)

Don’t befriend people controlled by anger;
don’t associate with hot-tempered people;
otherwise, you will learn their ways
and become trapped.
(Proverb 22:24-25 CEB)

Don’t envy evil people,
and don’t long to be with them.
Their hearts are focused on violence,
and their lips speak of trouble.
(Proverbs 24:1-2 CEB)

Don’t spend too much time in your neighbor’s house.
Otherwise, they’ll get fed up with you and hate you.
(Proverbs 25:17 CEB)

Like a crazy person shooting deadly flaming arrows
are those who deceive their neighbor and say, “Hey, I was only joking!”
Without wood a fire goes out;
without gossips, conflict calms down.
(Proverbs 26:18-20 CEB)

Trustworthy are the bruises of a friend;
excessive are the kisses of an enemy.
Oil and incense make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of friends comes from their advice.
Don’t desert your friend or a friend of your family;
don’t go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes.
Better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away.
Greeting a neighbor with a loud voice early in the morning
will be viewed as a curse.
As iron sharpens iron,
so friends sharpen each other’s faces.
As water reflects the face,
so the heart reflects one person to another.
(Proverbs 27:6,9-10,14,17,19 CEB)

Intelligent children follow Instruction,
but those who befriend gluttons shame their parents.
Those who steal from their father and mother,
and say, “It’s not a crime,”
are friends of vandals.
(Proverbs 28:7,24 CEB)

People who flatter their friends
spread out a net for their feet.
Those who share plunder with thieves hate themselves;...
(Proverbs 29:5,24 CEB)

Saturday, March 24, 2018

"Heart and Mind, pt.2" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

A fool has no delight in understanding,
But in expressing his own heart.
Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty,
And before honor is humility.
The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
(Proverbs 18:2,12,15)

People’s own folly corrupts their way,
but their hearts rage against the Lord.
Many plans are in a person’s mind,
but the Lord’s purpose will succeed.
(Proverbs 19:3,21 CEB)

Advice comes from the deep waters of the heart;
those with understanding can draw it out.
Who can say, “I’m innocent to the core;
I’m cleansed from my sin”?
The breath of a person is the lamp of the Lord,
searching all the inmost parts.
(Proverbs 20:5,9,27 CEB)

Everyone’s path is straight in their own eyes,
but the Lord weighs the heart.
Acting with righteousness and justice
is more valued by the Lord than sacrifice.
Prideful eyes, an arrogant heart, and
the lamp of the wicked are all sinful.
When a mocker is punished, the naive person gains wisdom;
when insight comes to the wise, knowledge increases.
Acting justly is a joy to the righteous,
but dreaded by those who do evil.
(Proverbs 21:2-4,11,15 CEB)

Turn your ear and hear the words of the wise;
focus your mind on my knowledge.
It will be pleasant if you keep the words in you,
if you have them ready on your lips.
(Proverbs 22:17-18 CEB)

Bring your mind to instruction,
your ear to knowledgeable sayings.
My child, if your heart is wise,
then my heart too will be happy.
My inner being will rejoice
when your lips speak with integrity.
Don’t let your heart envy sinners,
but fear the Lord constantly;
then you will have a future,
and your hope won’t be cut off.
Listen, my child, and be wise!
Keep your mind straight on the path.
My child, give your mind to me
and let your eyes keep to my path.
(Proverbs 23:12,15-19,26 CEB)

Don’t envy evil people,
and don’t long to be with them.
Their hearts are focused on violence,
and their lips speak of trouble.
When your enemies fall, don’t rejoice.
When they stumble, don’t let your heart be glad,
or the Lord will see it and be displeased,
and he will turn his anger from them.
(Proverbs 24:1-2,17-18 CEB)

Singing a song to a troubled heart
is like taking off a garment on a cold day
or putting vinegar on a wound.
If your enemies are starving, feed them some bread;
if they are thirsty, give them water to drink.
By doing this, you will heap burning coals on their heads,
and the Lord will reward you.
(Proverbs 25:20-22 CEB)

Oil and incense make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of friends comes from their advice.
Be wise, my child, and make my heart glad,
so I can answer those who insult me.
As water reflects the face,
so the heart reflects one person to another.
(Proverbs 27:9,11,19 CEB)

Happy are those who are continually fearful,
but those whose hearts are hard fall into trouble.
Greedy people stir up conflict,
but those who trust the Lord become prosperous.
Those who trust in their own reasoning are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom will be kept safe.
(Proverbs 28:14,25-26 CEB)

Friday, March 23, 2018

"Heart and Mind, pt.1" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

My son, don’t forget my instruction.
Let your heart guard my commands,
because they will help you live a long time
and provide you with well-being.
Don’t let loyalty and faithfulness leave you.
Bind them on your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will find favor and approval
in the eyes of God and humanity.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
don’t rely on your own intelligence.
Know him in all your paths,
and he will keep your ways straight.
(Proverbs 3:1-6 CEB)

More than anything you guard, protect your mind,
for life flows from it.
(Proverbs 4:23 CEB)

Now children, listen to me,
and don’t deviate from the words of my mouth.
Otherwise, strangers will sap your strength,
and your hard work will end up in a foreigner’s house.
You will groan at the end
when your body and flesh are exhausted,
and you say, “How I hated instruction!
How my heart despised correction!
(Proverbs 5:7,10-12 CEB)

The wise in heart will receive commands,
But a prating fool will fall.
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver;
The heart of the wicked is worth little.
(Proverbs 10:8,20)

The Lord detests a crooked heart,
but he favors those whose path is innocent.
(Proverbs 11:20 CEB)

A man will be commended according to his wisdom,
But he who is of a perverse heart will be despised.
Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil,
But counselors of peace have joy.
A prudent man conceals knowledge,
But the heart of fools proclaims foolishness.
Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,
But a good word makes it glad.
(Proverbs 12:8,20,23,25)

Hope delayed makes the heart sick;
longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
(Proverbs 13:12 CEB)

The heart knows its own distress;
another person can’t share its joy.
The heart feels pain even in laughter,
and in the end, joy turns to sorrow.
Rebellious hearts receive satisfaction from their ways;
the good receive the due reward for their deeds.
(Proverbs 14:10,13-14 CEB)

The grave and the underworld lie open before the Lord;
how much more the hearts of human beings!
A joyful heart brightens one’s face,
but a troubled heart breaks the spirit.
An understanding heart seeks knowledge;
but fools feed on folly.
All the days of the needy are hard,
but a happy heart has a continual feast.
The righteous heart reflects before answering,
but the wicked mouth blurts out evil.
(Proverbs 15:11,13-15,28 CEB)

To people belong the plans of the heart,
but the answer of the tongue comes from the Lord.
The Lord detests all who are arrogant;
they surely won’t go unpunished.
People plan their path,
but the Lord secures their steps.
The skilled mind is called discerning,
and pleasant speech enhances teaching.
The mind of the wise makes their speech insightful
and enhances the teaching of their lips.
(Proverbs 16:1,5,9,21,23 CEB)

A crucible is for silver and a furnace for gold,
but the Lord tests the heart.
Why should a fool have money
to pay for wisdom? He has no mind.
Those with crooked hearts won’t prosper,
and those with twisted tongues will fall into trouble.
A joyful heart helps healing,
but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
(Proverbs 17:3,16,20,22 CEB)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

"Health and Honey" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

Don’t consider yourself wise.
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then your body will be healthy
and your bones strengthened.
(Proverbs 3:7-8 CEB)

My son, pay attention to my words.
Bend your ear to my speech.
Don’t let them slip from your sight.
Guard them in your mind.
They are life to those who find them,
and healing for their entire body.
(Proverbs 4:20-22 CEB)

Kind persons benefit themselves,
but cruel people harm themselves.
(Proverbs 11:17 CEB)

Some chatter on like a stabbing sword,
but a wise tongue heals.
(Proverbs 12:18 CEB)

Wicked messengers fall into trouble,
but a reliable one brings healing.
(Proverbs 13:17 CEB)

A peaceful mind gives life to the body,
but jealousy rots the bones.
(Proverbs 14:30 CEB)

A joyful heart brightens one’s face,
but a troubled heart breaks the spirit.
Bright eyes give joy to the heart;
good news strengthens the bones.
(Proverbs 15:13,30 CEB)

Pleasant words are flowing honey,
sweet to the taste and healing to the bones.
(Proverbs 16:24 CEB)

A joyful heart helps healing,
but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
(Proverbs 17:22 CEB)

The human spirit sustains a sick person,
but who can bear a broken spirit?
(Proverbs 18:14 CEB)

Blows and bruises remove evil;
beatings cleanse the inner parts.
(Proverbs 20:30 CEB)

My child, eat honey, for it is good.
The honeycomb is sweet in your mouth.
Know that wisdom is like that for your whole being.
If you find it, there is a future.
Your hope won’t be cut off.
(Proverbs 24:13-14 CEB)

If you find honey, eat just the right amount;
otherwise, you’ll get full and vomit it up.
Good news from a distant land
is like cold water for a weary person.
A righteous person giving in to the wicked
is like a contaminated spring or a polluted fountain.
Eating too much honey isn’t good,
nor is it appropriate to seek honor.
(Proverbs 25:16,25-27 CEB)

Someone who is full refuses honey,
but anything bitter tastes sweet to a hungry person.
(Proverbs 27:7 CEB)

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Contention and Hatred" (40 Days of Wisdom for Lent)

Do not quarrel with a person for no reason
if he has not harmed you.
(Proverbs 3:30 GW)

Whoever corrects a mocker receives abuse.
Whoever warns a wicked person gets hurt.
Do not warn a mocker, or he will hate you.
Warn a wise person, and he will love you.
(Proverbs 9:7-8 GW)

Hate starts quarrels,
but love covers every wrong.
Whoever conceals hatred has lying lips.
Whoever spreads slander is a fool.
Sin is unavoidable when there is much talk,
but whoever seals his lips is wise.
(Proverbs 10:12,18-19 GW)

A person will be praised based on his insight,
but whoever has a twisted mind will be despised.
(Proverbs 12:8 GW)

Arrogance produces only quarreling,
but those who take advice gain wisdom.
(Proverbs 13:10 GW)

A short-tempered person acts stupidly,
and a person who plots evil is hated.
A poor person is hated even by his neighbor,
but a rich person is loved by many.
Whoever despises his neighbor sins,
but blessed is the one who is kind to humble people.
(Proverbs 14:17,20-21 GW)

Better to have a little with the fear of the Lord
than great treasure and turmoil.
Better to have a dish of vegetables where there is love
than juicy steaks where there is hate.
A hothead stirs up a fight,
but one who holds his temper calms disputes.
(Proverbs 15:16-18 GW)

Better a bite of dry bread eaten in peace
than a family feast filled with strife.
Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate,
so stop before the argument gets out of control.
Whoever loves sin loves a quarrel.
(Proverbs 17:1,14,19 GW)

By talking, a fool gets into an argument,
and his mouth invites a beating.
A fool’s mouth is his ruin.
His lips are a trap to his soul.
Flipping a coin ends quarrels
and settles issues between powerful people.
An offended brother is more resistant than a strong city,
and disputes are like the locked gate of a castle tower.
(Proverbs 18:6-7,18-19 GW)

Many try to win the kindness of a generous person,
and everyone is a friend to a person who gives gifts.
The entire family of a poor person hates him.
How much more do his friends keep their distance from him!
When he chases them with words, they are gone.
A person who gains sense loves himself.
One who guards understanding finds something good.
A person who has a hot temper will pay for it.
If you rescue him, you will have to do it over and over.
(Proverbs 19:6-8,19 GW)

Avoiding a quarrel is honorable.
After all, any stubborn fool can start a fight.
(Proverbs 20:3 GW)

Drive out a mocker, and conflict will leave.
Quarreling and abuse will stop.
(Proverbs 22:10 GW)

Do not be in a hurry to go to court.
What will you do in the end if your neighbor disgraces you?
Present your argument to your neighbor,
but do not reveal another person’s secret.
Otherwise, when he hears about it, he will humiliate you,
and his evil report about you will never disappear.
Do not set foot in your neighbor’s house too often.
Otherwise, he will see too much of you and hate you.
(Proverbs 25:8-10,17 GW)

Like grabbing a dog by the ears,
so is a bystander who gets involved in someone else’s quarrel.
Like a madman who shoots flaming arrows, arrows, and death,
so is the person who tricks his neighbor and says, “I was only joking!”
Without wood a fire goes out,
and without gossip a quarrel dies down.
so a quarrelsome person fuels a dispute.
and they go down into a person’s innermost being.
Like a clay pot covered with cheap silver,
so is smooth talk that covers up an evil heart.
Whoever is filled with hate disguises it with his speech,
but inside he holds on to deceit.
because of the seven disgusting things in his heart.
but his wickedness will be revealed to the community.
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it.
Whoever rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.
A lying tongue hates its victims,
and a flattering mouth causes ruin.
(Proverbs 26:17-28 GW)

A greedy person stirs up a fight,
but whoever trusts the Lord prospers.
(Proverbs 28:25 GW)

When a wise person goes to court with a stubborn fool,
he may rant and rave,
but there is no peace and quiet.
Bloodthirsty people hate an innocent person,
but decent people seek to protect his life.
An angry person stirs up a fight,
and a hothead does much wrong.
(Proverbs 29:9-10,22 GW)