Thursday, October 25, 2018


After Reconstruction and the passing of the 14th & 15th Amendments, from 1870-1887, nearly 200 blacks were elected to the US Congress, most from SC and FL. Congress was finally starting to represent "a more perfect union" where "all men are created equal"

However, after all Confederate States that had succeeded were readmitted into the Union by 1870 and all Confederate Statesmen were granted voting rights, by 1901 the last lone black representative left Congress and there were no more until 1928.

There are those who want to suppress certain people's right to vote because they know that's the only true power the citizens of a country have, but we ALL have the right to vote and must exercise it! When we don't use it, we go from Reconstruction to "Jim Crow" and "separate but equal", and eventually fighting for "Civil Rights" again.

We already have our civil rights, lets not give them away - Proverbs 29:2 "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan."